Sunday, May 12, 2013

Moms that ROCK

It's been a long time since my last post. Far too long. I feel a bit of shame knowing that my time and efforts have gone into nearly completing the upcoming book and also working on my new side job as a contributing writer for Rock Revolt Magazine. Writing, writing, writing and trying to get chores done now that the snow has finally melted up here in the Great White North. The blog has been neglected and I am sorry.

Life has been full of things to do and not enough time to do them all. I was laying in bed this morning thinking of the list that is long as I am tall we need to accomplish today when my son cracked the bedroom door with a smile on his face.

"Happy Mother's Day Mom," he whispered as he slid under the covers and cuddled up next to me.

We laid there a few moments when he said, "Don't you think it's time to start your day?"
I grabbed my phone, it was 7:45. Ugh...I wanted to sleep in, but I could tell by the way he was squirming around that he had something up his sleeve.
"Okay buddy, don't wake Dad, lets get up." I said.
As walked to the kitchen so I could fire up my tea kettle, he said, " you think there might be a gift for you somewhere in the house?"
"OOOHHH! Really?!"
He grabbed my hand and walked me into the living room instructing me to sit on the chair and close my eyes.  Of course I complied.
He walked out of his room with a huge smile on his face carrying a bag stuffed with tissue paper. "Happy Mother's Day Mommy!"
I got teary eyed when I pulled out the tissue paper to see a hand decorated pot with hearts and flowers drawn around it. Purple snapdragons..."How did you know that this was my favorite flower?!"
"Grandma told me!" He boasted.

"I used to help your Great Grandma plant these in her flower garden by the lake.  When I was your age, I used to pick the little heads off and make them talk. They are SUPER AWESOME Carver!! Thank you so much!" 
"You're welcome Mom! What's for breakfast?!" He said.
I laughed myself back to reality, but it reminded me that a Mother's work is never done.
This thought also made me realize that the work of a Rock Mom is never done and possibly would make the average woman collapse with fear. You see, the Real Rock Star Wives are a group of ladies that are also Real Rock Star Moms.  I salute each and every one of you ladies for everything you do to help your husbands and fathers of your babies the ability to continue to bring music to the masses. 
Our work is exhausting, our days are full of headaches, but our spawn of Rock and Roll make every day worth living. I know many of you ladies parent much like myself and it makes me wonder if your Moms were similar to my own. Because, without the life lessons my Mother taught me...none of this would be possible. I would have train-wrecked 5 years ago.
It would be stating the obvious to say that my Mom was the greatest Mom when I was little. The years of crafts, playing outside, going on nature hikes, putting extra bubbles in the bubble bath...and even the adult years where she later became my best friend. These are moments that every girl has. I am grateful for something much different.
I didn't know it then, but I know it now.  She taught me how to be one of the best Rock Moms on the planet and quite possibly one of the strongest women in Rock and Roll.

I want to thank my Mom for making me hate her during my teenage years.

Thank you Mom for taking the bedroom door off it's hinge and putting it in the garage when I slammed it too often when I didn't get my way.
Thank you Mom for bagging up all my clothes that were piled on the floor in my bedroom and locked them in your room because I refused to clean up after myself.
Thank you Mom for taking my stereo out of my room when I defied you.
Thank you for never letting me have a phone in my bedroom and making me aware that I should never speak to someone in a manner that wasn't acceptable for everyone to hear.
Thank you Mom for selling my first car when I proved I wasn't responsible enough and got caught whipping doughnuts in the mall parking lot with a back seat full of people who didn't care if I got in trouble.
Thank you Mom for telling the bad boys I was grounded when they showed up asking to go on a date with me.
Thank you Mom for making me do actual chores when I was in trouble, instead of making me sit in my room.
And Thank you Mom for turning off the hot water when I was in the shower for too long.

Teenagers are assholes, they are selfish and rude. And it's because of you Mom, that I wasn't one for long. 

Thank you Mom for teaching me that slamming the door when you're angry is never the answer.
Thank you Mom for teaching me to take care of what I have no matter who bought it for me.
Thank you Mom for teaching me that I shouldn't play before I get my work done.
Thank you Mom for teaching me that words will always come back to haunt you.
Thank you Mom for teaching me that I am responsible for the lives of many with my actions and that I should always drive safely.
Thank you Mom for teaching me that the bad boys are never a good choice and the nerds make the best husbands.
Thank you Mom for teaching me to be self sufficient through all the chores I was forced to do.
Thank you Mom for teaching me not to be wasteful and to save money.
Thank you Mom for teaching me that kids may sometimes hate their parents, but I know now after being a mother's because us Mom's are doing our job the right way.

And finally, and most importantly, thank you Mom for teaching me how to beat cancer like a champ
. I'm grateful you and I are both still around so Carver and Julian can hate both of us in a few years. Happy Mothers Day Mom.
My Mom and I in the 1970's.
Until next time, much Love, Respect, Support...and call your Mom.

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