Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Message to Scott Stapp

*Warning-Graphic Language*

For the last week, I have watched the news feeds, the social media updates and the entertainment trash papers posting what I like to call the disgusting display of what "journalism" has become in this society. No longer do investigative journalists seek out a story to find truth before they report, they also fan the flames, signaling the vultures to pick at what is left of a story connected to a very real human being, but also encourage the final baseball bat swings to an already shattered soul.

Scott Stapp isn't an angel by an means, but neither are any of us, and this has gotten out of control. This shit has to stop.

My friend asked, "Why do you care what happens to Scott, he was a dick to your husband."
I replied, "Yes, he was a ginormous douche, but he's a human that was intricately molded to fit the expectations of the music suits and a consumerist public to be the American Rock Star. And he succeeded."

"But why do you feel the need to defend him?" they said.

"I learned the hard way that when life crushes you with defeat, that very few will rush to your aid. But, the few that do, are unexpected and work the hardest. I don't feel for a second that I am defending his past indiscretions or current addiction issues, those aren't my business, but what I intend to do is remind the macrocosm that we shouldn't fall victim and join the hoards of mindless hypocrites that spew such vile statements about someone they don't even know."

"I guess you are right", they replied.

Itching the back of my neck and glancing at my son's school portrait on the kitchen fridge I said, "His family doesn't deserve to see what they are saying. This shit needs to stop. Do you know what else?"


"Without Creed, there wouldn't be 12 Stones. And if 12 Stones didn't exist, I wouldn't have Aaron. Therefore, I owe Creed for the opportunity to have a conversation with the handsome stranger at a rock concert"

"Now you're confusing me...wait...what?" they said.

I continued the exchange with a long description of the experience, and ultimately gained another supporter of this cause.

It's true. While I won't go into descriptive details about my unsavory dealings with all things "wound up and shot down", I will say...that without Creed...I would have never met my husband.

You read that correctly... If it wasn't for Creed, I wouldn't be crazy in love with the most sincerely supportive and loving man on this planet. 

What people fail to realize is that Creed gave an independent label the funding to branch out, develop and release artists into the world. Creed started it all. Without them we wouldn't have 12 Stones, Alter Bridge, Atomship (GOD I LOVE THEM), Boy Hits Car, Breaking Point, Drowning Pool, Evanescence, People in Planes, Submersed (HOLY CRAP THEY WERE AWESOME), Seether, Thriving Ivory...Do I really need to go on here?!

These artists would go on to sell millions of units and inspire a generation of future musicians to evolve and become something new and great for the next generation...and Creed started it. Go ahead and giggle all you want and dispute my claims as invalid. Its your right, but be prepared for the fiery albino Sasquatch to crush you with facts.

Now, before we go any further, I have to say that while I don't support the folks that did some really bad stuff to my friends and family while protected under the umbrella of a title, I do support the musicians. 
I've seen things...(holy shit have I seen things)... I've heard the stories from my husband whom I trust more than I trust myself at times, and I've shock...sitting on the leather seats of tour buses and backstage as the truth unfolded in front my own eyes. 

Individuals who claim to know the realities when they aren't personally fighting in the middle of the music battlefield are experiencing moments of delusional grandeur. It's an illusion. They have NO idea.
But, yet...they forge on proclaiming their importance and invalid assessments of people they haven't experienced a connection with...other than with their head-phones on.

What do I know about all of this? Well, more than I care to admit. I've watched as people I love, struggling with addiction and LSD (Lead Singer Disease for those of you unfamiliar) go off the deep end. I've written about how dangerous the combination of substances and egos can be. I've stood over people that matter to me while they were passed out after a night of very bad decisions and wondered why they couldn't see the situation from my eyes.

The truth is, they can't. Each one of us has our own experiences, our own influences, our own demons that chase us, and our own perceptions. We can't see what others see, we can't feel what others feel, and we sure as hell can't understand the things they do. This is all a part of the human experience. We have our own unique story and we are only in control of our own autobiographies. We need to stop writing for others.

I am ashamed of the human race at the moment. The knee jerk responses and ugly statements to beat down an individual with such evil sentiments frightens me.   Think what you want, it is your freedom. But freedom of speech doesn't protect the message of hate. The people writing these appalling messages on social media should be ashamed. You are the problem in this world. YOU. Not a guy who is going through a very public struggle. 

My husband and I had a serious conversation last night about what is going on with Scott. We both came to the same conclusion. He's not the worst person in the world, yet there are people treating him as such. 

America has created a movement to stop bullying. There are numerous accounts of kids that have fallen victim to the ugly souls that say and write things such as this...and I've read comments on these media sites. "Just go kill yourself"  REALLY PEOPLE?! What the FUCK is wrong with you?!  WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

I'm just a farm girl who fell in love with what you all consider a "Rock Star". I was shaded from the music reality, until I became a part of it. Fame and celebrity are ugly things. I loathe the thought of it all. It's all so dark and lonely. After seeing it first hand, I don't know why anyone would want it...and it's why my husband and I are where we are in life.  We are DONE with the Price Of Fame.

Now is when I get real with all of you. Below this paragraph is a song that says it all. It was written by my best friend's husband Donald Carpenter.  I want you to all listen to it. REALLY LISTEN TO IT. 
This song should have made it to the top of every chart and became the anthem of every celebrity on the planet. was a company that didn't believe in it.

The Price of Fame-Submersed

 I want you all to put yourselves in the shoes of Scott Stapp. I know you can't really follow through with this task, but I ask you all to try. Do you have any idea? Do you know personally what happens to people that are built up and then are torn down? Do you remember Brittney Spears? Michael Jackson? Do you honestly know what it's like to have everyone watch every move you make? Do you have people writing their opinions on social media every day with what they believe to be "what you should be doing"...and if you don't do what they're wrong? Have you had people interrupt your dinner to take a photo and sign their receipt? Unless you have no idea.

I hope everyone can take a step back and see the big picture. We are a generation of immediate gratification junkies. It's all so silly. People focus on the lives of celebrities more than they focus on their own. Those of you posting these repugnant words online need to look in the damned mirror. YOU are the things you say while you hide behind your computer screens...YOU REFLECT THE THINGS YOU SAY. Ugly words=Ugly people. 

I pray that Scott is okay. I pray that people will divert their attention to their own lives and let him, his friends, and his family put the pieces together. I pray that he finds what he is looking for and thrives for the rest of his life without the stress and embarrassment that the world is throwing at him currently. I pray for Scott.

He was never "my friend" per-se...but he is a man who stood next to my husband for years. I don't have a lot of positive recollections, but I know that deep down inside that scarred façade lies a human being that wants to see the world the way he used to see it...before the fame. I know this from my own experiences, and why I linked the song "Price Of Fame".

Regardless of who you are in this life, I ask that you send positive energy...not just to Scott, but to everyone involved. It's healthy for us all.

This is war and we should never leave a man behind, no matter the injury. I will continue to not only fight for music, but the musician. I think we should all do the same. But, ultimately it's your decision.

In closing, I want to share a lesson that my Mom pounded into my brain more than 30 years ago. 
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." 

I think everyone needs to listen to my Mom.

Until Next Time,
Love, Respect, and Support
